The Julia Set

This is an example of a graphical representation of the Julia set. Click for a higher resolution version.

Here is some Python code to create it.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import system
from numba import jit
from numpy import random as nr
import sys

def julia():
    c = complex(-0.8,  0.156)
    s, rx, ry, t, it = 2, 3.5, 2.5, 1000, 150
    imx, imy = int(2650 * s), int(1600 * s)
    julia = np.zeros((imy, imx))
    for ix in range(imx):
        for iy in range(imy):
            z = complex(ix * rx/imx - rx/2, iy * ry/imy - ry/2)
            i = 0
            while abs(z) <= t and i < it:
                a = abs(z)
                z = z**2 + c
                i += 1
                julia[iy, ix] += 1
            julia[iy, ix] -= a/t * (1 - nr.rand())
    return julia

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cm = sys.argv[1]
    im = julia()
    plt.imsave(f'julia-{cm}.png', im, cmap=cm)

The Folded Mandelbrot